
I am interested in ways people perceive and interact with the world and the stories and designs that enhance those interactions.

ap2studio.com is a digital basecamp of a multidisciplinary designer Alen Puaca

Alen designs experiences for digital and physical spaces. By day he is a product and brand designer in software industry. By night he is a freelance visual designer and writer of design philosophy essays that come from his interest in phenomenology, wisdom traditions, complexity and cognitive sciences.

Alen have had opportunities to collaborate with many high level design professionals, including veteran Disney Imagineers and to contribute designs to software developments, spatial attractions, Olympic ceremonies, and museums around the world.

Alen often collaborates with his teams through design thinking framework, by facilitating design sprints, brand sprints, or category design exercises. These exercises along with systems thinking approach often allow emergence of novel and useful solutions that are not always initially visible to the participants.

On the freelance side, based on the kind of project, Alen along with his business and life partner Aleksandra, engages a network of collaborators including other designers and developers.

Get in touch

Reach out for a design inquiry or feedback.